Find a Doctor BC
is a website dedicated to helping patients help each other find family practitioners accepting new patients in BC.
Find family doctors who are accepting new patients in BC right now Search for Family Doctors
The site works by providing location and contact information for most of the clinics and doctor offices providing family practitioner services in an area.

Patients actively looking for a family doctor can use this information to easily see which doctors might be accepting new patients in their area. If there are none, patients can call those clinics whose status may have changed recently and easily report their findings to others.
We cover 860 family clinics in BC, representing over 3,900 family physicians and nurse practitioners.
Since starting in 2019, thousands of people in BC have used to help them find a family doctor. Here is what some of them are saying.
Many thanks. I would never have known about the doctor accepting new patients without your email notice. After hearing how hard it would be to find a Dr. after our move to the island, I was so surprised and grateful that your service found one for us after just a few months – best $12 I ever spent! I never would have been able to do this so quickly on my own.